Kiwi Green Smoothie

Howdy folks! 😊

I know it’s getting colder in this part of the world…but its not too cold for a smoothie! 😋

This green smoothie is pretty-looking, but it’s also delicious, and nutritious. 👌🏾

Kiwis, Kale, Banana and Apple, in yogurt and milk. 😊

From all of these, you get  vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Iron, Vitamin B and potassium. 😋

I recommend you add this smoothie to your ‘Healthy Eating Plan.’ 😊 Here’s the recipe below :

Kiwi Green Smoothie

Recipe by LubayaCourse: DrinksDifficulty: Easy


Prep time




  • 4 Kiwis

  • 1 ripe Banana

  • 1 cup Kale/Rape/Spinach

  • 1 Cup Milk

  • 1 Cup Natural Yogurt

  • 1 Green apple

  • 2 Tablespoons Honey (optional)


  • Start by peeling the kiwis and cutting up the flesh into cubes. 😊
  • Also slice up the banana, apple and Kale. That way it’s easier in the blender.😊
  • Start by adding the kale, milk and yogurt to the blender. That’s because the Kale is a bit tougher. Let that run for 3 minutes, before you add in the banana, kiwi and apple. 😊
  • Blend for another 5 minutes, and you’re done. 😊
  • Serve in a glass, with a slice of Kiwi to garnish. 😊 Enjoy! 😋

After reading to the end...what do you think? :-)